Since we have gotten back from our month-long visit to the states, the weather in London has been so perfect!! There was only one day that it was really hot, but it was still doable and didn’t stop our outdoor outings. Our days lately have consisted of tons of park visits, picnics, feeding the ducks, water play, swim lessons, playdates with friends and library visits! So far, this is my favorite time of year in London! I love that we can finally shed our jackets and explore outdoors in shorts! I have been waiting for this since January! I will leave you with just a little glimpse into our life lately through my iPhone photos!

Swinging at Holland Park! This is one of our favorite outings and we are frequent visitors here going at least a few times a week!

Yes indeed he put his watermelon on the end of a random stick he found in the park! Building his immunity one stick at a time!

This is me 90% of the time lately. Shorts, tank top, tennis shoes, hair in a messy bun, and zero makeup!

This fun little water feature is at the Diana Memorial Playground, and it is such fun. This day the big water feature wasn’t on, but there was still water in puddles and water spouts for the kiddos to play in.

Eli playing with trucks at Holland Park. So the first few times here, we didn’t get the memo to bring sand toys or trucks. We quickly learned we had to bring our own truck and thanks to another sweet momma at the park, she recommended one on prime now that we got delivered ASAP. On this day, Eli saw this truck that another little boy had and wanted it. He kept putting his trucks away in our stroller and going to try to steal the truck from the other sweet kid. I took one of the trucks out from the under the stroller and told Eli he could ask the other sweet kid if they could trade trucks for a bit. We practiced, the child and nanny were so sweet and traded us, and off Eli went. Fast forward an hour and that kid left and he was back with his truck. All was well for 30 minutes or so then I see Eli run quickly by another kid, throw his truck where he almost hit the kid, grabbed the kids truck and ran off….. We are still working on this sharing thing.

We discovered that our private garden has a water feature. Last week during a hot day, I put his swim suit on and let him play for over 2 hours! He loved it!

Eli and I were the only two people in our private garden most of the afternoon, so I was working on the bench and watching him play. Since you must have a key to get in and out, and the garden is pretty small, he could run around and I could watch him without being right next to him the entire time. He saw another child and a dad walk by the fence and they stopped and were talking. The kid had an ice cream cone, so Eli turned around and asked if he could have ice cream. I told him to keep playing and we would go get some later (in all honesty, thinking he would get back to playing and forget). Anyways, the dad and boy walk off, and I see Eli standing still by himself. I told him to go play and he slowly starts walking. As soon as I see him, i notice he is eating an ice cream cone!!!! I was in shock and slightly freaking out that he is eating another kid’s that we don’t even know ice cream cone, but he was so excited I had to take a photo. A few minutes later the kid and dad walk back by and the kid is yelling “Let me in!” I go over and let them in, and the dad tells me that Eli just stuck his hands through the gate and grabbed the ice cream cone right out of the kid’s hands… I was so embarrassed. My friend, Hannah, arrived just in time to meet the sweet kid and dad and for me to tell her this embarrassing story!! Eli had fun the rest of the afternoon in the park playing with the sweet boy in the water and chasing him around the park!