I cannot believe that we are already SIX MONTHS in to our London secondment. These past 6 months have been filled with lots of travel, visitors, a new pregnancy, a rollercoaster of emotions, but so much fun!
6 months ago, we left Great Wolf Lodge after selling both of our vehicles, turning in our keys to our rental house, and telling all of our friends and family goodbye, and jumped head first into this adventure!
1 month in, and we had finally figured out a bank account, moved out of temporary housing to our permanent housing, took a weekend trip to Bath, and we were starting to feel at home in London!
During the second month, my mom and sister came to visit, then Joe’s brother, Ben, visited! Hannah and Brett also made their big move to London and we were so excited to have built in best friends right down the road! Hannah and I joked when we first met that we had no option but to be best friends because we knew nobody else in London! Ha! This month kept us busy, and time was flying by!
During month three, Joe’s parents came to visit, I found out I was pregnant, and we took a trip to Munich, Germany for the weekend!
During month four, I was in a hump of the pregnancy where I was exhausted, a little nauseous, Joe was traveling, and Eli was going through a horrible sleep regression. I decided last minute to take a week trip back to the states to see my family and it was just what I needed to get over the hump! And as a bonus, we had a long layover which turned into a long delay, which allowed us to spend the night with Joe’s older brother, Nick, and his family. They had just had a sweet baby girl, so I was so excited to meet my new niece! Then right after we got home, we went to Prague for Easter with some of our great friends and had a blast! We celebrated Eli’s second birthday in Disneyland Paris over a bank holiday weekend and had a blast!
During month 5, I travelled back to the states for my baby brother’s high school graduation. The timing worked out so I just stayed in the US 3.5 weeks until Ben’s wedding in Dallas! We had a fantastic time while being back in the states catching up with family and sweet friends, but we were so excited to be back reunited with Joe!
During month 6, we travelled back to London from Dallas, spent lots of times outdoors at parks enjoying the warm weather, went to the Royal Ascot, and took the train to Brighton for the day! We also explored a lot of new brunch spots this month!
We are excited to see what our next six months in London holds for our little growing family!