We were so excited to finally have our first visitor arrive on Friday-Honey is here! She arrived bright and early on Friday morning and Joe joined us for breakfast before heading into the office!
We ate breakfast at one of our favorite spots, Bills, then we headed on to the science museum as Joe was headed into work. Eli gave Honey a wonderful screaming welcoming party at breakfast, and to say it literally took all 3 of us to control him at breakfast is an understatement! We really needed about 6 people to control one toddler! Ha (Please tell me the throwing, crying, independent, and strong opinions ends soon ha).
The science museum is one of Eli’s favorite places, so we were excited to take Honey there! We then decided to head on to Westfield and hope that Eli would fall asleep in the stroller! The day she arrived was rainy, cold, and even started snowing, so we needed an indoor outing! We shopped, ate some lunch, rode a few rides (that didn’t move because we didn’t put money in them), and then we headed back home that evening for a dinner in!
It was a difficult day keeping Honey awake all day, but we did it! I kept telling her the key to fighting jet lag was to jump on in head first and get on London time!
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